Results for 'Media Studies Netherlandsc Information Science'

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  1.  5
    A logical formalisation of false belief tasks.R. Velázquez-Quesada A. Institute for Logic Anthia Solaki Fernando, Computation Language, Netherlandsb Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Media Studies Netherlandsc Information Science & Norway - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-51.
    Theory of Mind (ToM), the cognitive capacity to attribute internal mental states to oneself and others, is a crucial component of social skills. Its formal study has become important, witness recent research on reasoning and information update by intelligent agents, and some proposals for its formal modelling have put forward settings based on Epistemic Logic (EL). Still, due to intrinsic idealisations, it is questionable whether EL can be used to model the high-order cognition of ‘real’ agents. This manuscript proposes (...)
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    The case of holography among Media Studies, art and science.Pier Luigi Capucci - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):247-253.
    In the last few years holography has celebrated some important anniversaries: in 2010 the 50th anniversary of the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) invention; in 2011 the 40th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to the Hungarian scientist Dennis Gabor for inventing holography and in 2012 the 50th anniversary of the first holograms. Holography can create an accurate visual simulation, with total parallax: a replica of the real object made of light, which has the real object’s visual (...)
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  3. Data Science and Mass Media: Seeking a Hermeneutic Ethics of Information.Christine James - 2015 - Proceedings of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, Vol. 15, 2014, Pages 49-58 15 (2014):49-58.
    In recent years, the growing academic field called “Data Science” has made many promises. On closer inspection, relatively few of these promises have come to fruition. A critique of Data Science from the phenomenological tradition can take many forms. This paper addresses the promise of “participation” in Data Science, taking inspiration from Paul Majkut’s 2000 work in Glimpse, “Empathy’s Impostor: Interactivity and Intersubjectivity,” and some insights from Heidegger’s "The Question Concerning Technology." The description of Data Science (...)
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    (1 other version)Du signe à la trace : l'information sur mesure: Traçabilité et réseaux.Louise Merzeau - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1):23.
    L'environnement numérique oblige à revoir les modèles sur lesquels se fondent les sciences de l'information et de la communication. La pensée du signe, du message et du document doit en effet évoluer vers une pensée de la traçabilité. Indicielle et détachable, automatique et malléable, la trace est un objet paradoxal, qui atteste le caractère indissociablement technique et politique de la présence numérique. Dans le règne de l'information sur mesure, la personnalisation nous rend plus actifs, tout en nous exposant (...)
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  5. Social Media and the Production of Knowledge: A Return to Little Science?Leah A. Lievrouw - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (3):219-237.
    In the classic study Little science, big science (New York: Columbia University Press, 1963), Derek Price traces the historical shift from what he calls little science?exemplified by early?modern ?invisible colleges? of scientific amateurs and enthusiasts engaged in small?scale, informal interactions and personal correspondence?to 20th?century big science, dominated by professional scientists and wealthy institutions, where scientific information (primarily in print form and its analogues) was mass?produced, marketed and circulated on a global scale. This article considers whether (...)
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    Far-reaching effects of the filter bubble, the most notorious metaphor in media studies.Jernej Kaluža - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1391-1393.
    This article discusses the topic of algorithmic personalization and the creation of the so-called “filter bubble” effect, which is often understood as one of the most problematic influences of artificial intelligence on democratic social order. The author suggests that focusing on the issue of information diversity, which had far-reaching effect on the empirical research that tried to quantitatively measure and systematically prove the existence of the filter bubbles, was the wrong starting point for the discussion on the application of (...)
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    The role of news media in European integration: A framework of analysis for political science.Robin B. Hodess - 1997 - Res Publica 39 (2):215-227.
    The pbenomenon of European integration has received a great deal ofattention from political scientists in the wake of the mid-1980s 'relaunch' ofthe European Union. However, political science's theoretical consideration of West European integration has from the outset failed to include news media as a factor in EU politics. This oversight is linked to the general dismissal of the public and public debate as irrelevant to the integration project. Yet because media have several critical functions in politics - (...)
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    Brain‐Science Based Cohort Studies.Hideaki Koizumi - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):48-55.
    This article describes a number of human cohort studies based on the concept of brain‐science and education. These studies assess the potential effects of new technologies on babies, children and adolescents, and test hypotheses drawn from animal and genetic case studies to see if they apply to people. A flood of information, virtual media, individualism and the pursuit of efficiency might be transforming our brain and its functions. An environmental assessment from the metaphysical aspect (...)
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    Incomplete knowledge: ethnography and the crisis of context in studies of media, science and technology.Markus Schlecker & Eric Hirsch - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (1):69-87.
    This article examines strands of an intellectual history in Media and Cultural Studies and Science and Technology Studies in both of which researchers were prompted to take up ethnography. Three historical phases of this process are identified. The move between phases was the result of particular displacements and contestations of perspective in the research procedures within each discipline. Thus concerns about appropriate contextualization led to the eventual embrace of anthropological ethnographic methods. The article traces the subsequent (...)
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  10. Policy Response, Social Media and Science Journalism for the Sustainability of the Public Health System Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Vietnam Lessons.La Viet Phuong, Pham Thanh Hang, Manh-Toan Ho, Nguyen Minh Hoang, Nguyen Phuc Khanh Linh, Vuong Thu Trang, Nguyen To Hong Kong, Tran Trung, Khuc Van Quy, Ho Manh Tung & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - Sustainability 12:2931.
    Vietnam, with a geographical proximity and a high volume of trade with China, was the first country to record an outbreak of the new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2. While the country was expected to have a high risk of transmission, as of April 4, 2020—in comparison to attempts to contain the disease around the world—responses from Vietnam are being seen as prompt and effective in protecting the interests of its citizens, (...)
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  11.  13
    Youth media matters: participatory cultures and literacies in education.Korina Mineth Jocson - 2018 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    In an information age of youth social movements, Youth Media Matters examines how young people are using new media technologies to tell stories about themselves and their social worlds. They do so through joint efforts in a range of educational settings and media environments, including high school classrooms, youth media organizations, and social media sites. Korina M. Jocson draws on various theories to show how educators can harness the power of youth media to (...)
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    Power without Responsibility: Media Portrayals of Dolly and Science.Tom Wilkie & Elizabeth Graham - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):150-159.
    The majority of adults in Britain cite the mass media as their main source of information about developments in science and technology. This alone makes it worth studying how the press covered the story of Dolly the cloned sheep. However, the media's reporting of Dolly revealed serious difficulties in the relationship of science to society. Although there were failures of journalistic accuracy and balance, these should not be allowed to obscure the deeper issues.
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    Who shares about AI? Media exposure, psychological proximity, performance expectancy, and information sharing about artificial intelligence online.Alex W. Kirkpatrick, Amanda D. Boyd & Jay D. Hmielowski - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    Media exposure can shape audience perceptions surrounding novel innovations, such as artificial intelligence (AI), and could influence whether they share information about AI with others online. This study examines the indirect association between exposure to AI in the media and information sharing about AI online. We surveyed 567 US citizens aged 18 and older in November 2020, several months after the release of Open AI’s transformative GPT-3 model. Results suggest that AI media exposure was related (...)
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    Theory, Media, and Democracy for Realists.Peter Beattie - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (1):13-35.
    Democracy for Realists delivers a long-overdue attack upon apologetics for American political realities. Achen and Bartels argue that the “folk theory of democracy” is not an accurate description of democracy in the United States and that without a greater degree of economic and social equality, democracy will remain an unattainable ideal. But their account of the gap between ideal and actual relies too heavily on the innate cognitive limitations and biases (particularly intergroup bias) of our psychology. These are important, but (...)
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  15.  46
    Information and friend segregation for online social networks: a user study.Javed Ahmed, Serena Villata & Guido Governatori - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (4):753-766.
    Online social networks captured the attention of the masses by offering attractive means of sharing personal information and developing social relationships. People expose personal information about their lives on OSNs. This may result in undesirable consequences of users’ personal information leakage to an unwanted audience and raises privacy concerns. The issue of privacy has received a significant attention in both the research literature and the mainstream media. In this paper, we present results of an empirical study (...)
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  16.  14
    Wild Blue Media: Thinking through Seawater.Melody Jue - 2020 - Duke University Press.
    In _Wild Blue Media_, Melody Jue destabilizes terrestrial-based ways of knowing and reorients our perception of the world by considering the ocean itself as a media environment—a place where the weight and opacity of seawater transforms how information is created, stored, transmitted, and perceived. By recentering media theory on and under the sea, Jue calls attention to the differences between perceptual environments and how we think within and through them as embodied observers. In doing so, she provides (...)
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  17.  20
    Effect of social media use on food safety risk perception through risk characteristics: Exploring a moderated mediation model among people with different levels of science literacy.Jie Zhang, Hsi-Chen Wu, Liang Chen & Youzhen Su - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Food safety risk is becoming a vital issue for public health, and improving public awareness of FSR through social media is necessary. This study aims to explore specific mechanisms of FSR perception; it first categorizes 19 risk characteristics into two variables, dread and efficacy, and then examines how social media use affects perceived FSR through both variables. Additionally, the study explores the moderating effects of source credibility and science literacy on the mechanisms of FSR perception. Based on (...)
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  18.  21
    Cognitive Media Theory.Ted Nannicelli & Paul Taberham - 2014 - Routledge.
    "The question of what bearing scientific inquiry has upon the humanities is the subject of an important, ongoing debate in film and media studies. In the latest addition to the AFI Film Readers series, Cognitive Media Theory presents a case that the theorization of film and media spectatorship needs to take current empirical research in the sciences into consideration, and to show how empirical research informs film and media studies. Exploring topics that range from (...)
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  19. MEDIA EDUCATION AND THE FORMATION OF THE LEGAL CULTURE OF SOCIETY.Anna Shutaleva - 2020 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education 45:10-22.
    Introduction. The development of legal culture and a culture of human rights in the modern world through media technologies, is acquiring special significance in connection with the processes of globalization and the spread of media in recent decades. The purpose of the article is to study the prospects for the use of media education in the formation of the legal social culture and a culture of human rights. Materials and methods. Based on a study of domestic and (...)
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  20.  22
    (1 other version)‘Grey areas’: ethical challenges posed by social media-enabled recruitment and online data collection in cross-border, social science research.Sara Bamdad, Devin A. Finaughty & Sarah E. Johns - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Research Ethics 18 (1):24-38.
    Research Ethics, Volume 18, Issue 1, Page 24-38, January 2022. Are social science, cross-border research projects, where recruitment and data collection are carried out remotely, required to follow similar ethical and data-sharing procedures as ‘on-the-ground’ studies that use traditional means of recruitment and participant engagement? This article reflects on our experience of dealing with this question when we had to switch to online data collection due to the restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the inability to (...)
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  21. Netizens, Academicians, and Information Professionals' Opinions About AI With Special Reference To ChatGPT.Subaveerapandiyan A., A. Vinoth & Neelam Tiwary - 2023 - Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal):1-16.
    This study aims to understand the perceptions and opinions of academicians towards ChatGPT-3 by collecting and analyzing social media comments, and a survey was conducted with library and information science professionals. The research uses a content analysis method and finds that while ChatGPT-3 can be a valuable tool for research and writing, it is not 100% accurate and should be cross-checked. The study also finds that while some academicians may not accept ChatGPT-3, most are starting to accept (...)
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    RETRACTED: Expression of Concern: The Turnaway Study: A Case of Self-Correction in Science Upended by Political Motivation and Unvetted Findings.Priscilla K. Coleman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:905221.
    This review begins with a detailed focus on the Turnaway Study, which addresses associations among early abortion, later abortion, and denied abortion relative to various outcomes including mental health indicators. The Turnaway Study was comprised of 516 women; however, an exact percentage of the population is not discernable due to missing information. Extrapolating from what is known reveals a likely low of 0.32% to a maximum of 3.18% of participants sampled from the available the pool. Motivation for conducting the (...)
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    Information and Reality (Problems of Semantics and Pragmatics).Олександр МИХАЙЛЮК & Вікторія ВЕРШИНА - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):58-66.
    The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the need for philosophical research into the nature of information as a factor that significantly affects the development of modern society. Understanding the nature of information is important for the study of processes, mechanisms, and technologies in any sphere of social life.The study is based on a semiotic approach, the relationship between information and reality is considered based on the semantic and pragmatic aspects of this problem. (...)
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  24.  47
    Memory and Technology: How We Use Information in the Brain and the World.Jason R. Finley, Farah Naaz & Francine W. Goh - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Francine W. Goh & Farah Naaz.
    How is technology changing the way people remember? This book explores the interplay of memory stored in the brain and outside of the brain, providing a thorough interdisciplinary review of the current literature, including relevant theoretical frameworks from across a variety of disciplines in the sciences, arts, and humanities. It also presents the findings of a rich and novel empirical data set, based on a comprehensive survey on the shifting interplay of internal and external memory in the 21st century. Results (...)
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    Innovative Information Technologies in Election Political Communications.Анна РУДНЄВА - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):174-183.
    The article delves into the transformative role of digital technologies in modern electoral campaigns. The author emphasizes the role of social media in shaping public opinion. The study uses examples such as Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s campaigns to illustrate how these tools can enhance visibility and engagement. The article notes that while social media significantly impacts voter awareness and fundraising, it does not guarantee electoral victories. Mobile applications are highlighted as another critical component of political strategies. The (...)
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  26. "Walking and Falling." Language as Media Embodiment.S. Moser - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (3):260-268.
    Purpose: This paper aims to mediate Josef Mitterer's non-dualistic philosophy with the claim that speaking is a process of embodied experience. Approach: Key assumptions of enactive cognitive science, such as the crossmodal integration of speech and gesture and the perceptual grounding of linguistic concepts are illustrated through selected performance pieces of multimedia artist Laurie Anderson. Findings: The analysis of Anderson's artistic work questions a number of dualisms that guide truth-oriented models of language. Her performance pieces demonstrate that language is (...)
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    Media Influence on Political Parties in Albania.Anjeza Xhaferaj - 2015 - Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 2 (6):163-172.
    This article investigates the role of television on the structure and organization of political parties in the post – communist Albania. The existing literature on political parties links the structure of mass parties with the written press, and the structure of electoral- professional and cartel parties with the increasing influence of television. The mass party is based on the principle of membership. Among many tasks that members had to carry out, the dissemination of party’s declarations, statements, opinions and ideology, through (...)
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    “I’ll See You on IM, Text, or Call You”: A Social Network Approach of Adolescents’ Use of Communication Media.Katrien Van Cleemput - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (2):75-85.
    This study explores some possibilities of social network analysis for studying adolescents’ communication patterns. A full network analysis was conducted on third-grade high school students (15 year olds, 137 students) in Belgium. The results pointed out that face-to-face communication was still the most prominent way for information to flow through the network. Interactions through communication media (e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, mobile phone, and landline phone), however, supplemented this flow of information in a substantive way. Communication (...) use patterns were characterized by multiplexity and could be placed on a unidimensional scale indicating a media hierarchy. Close friends (strong ties) used all communication media at their disposal to connect with each other; students who were just friends (weak ties) preferred face-to-face communication and social network sites. In the discussion, some other possibilities of social network analysis for studying adolescents’ communication media are discussed. (shrink)
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    Information and the History of Philosophy.Chris Meyns (ed.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    In recent years the philosophy of information has emerged as an important area of research in philosophy. However, until now information’s philosophical history has been largely overlooked. Information and the History of Philosophy is the first comprehensive investigation of the history of philosophical questions around information, including work from before the Common Era to the twenty-first century. It covers scientific and technology-centred notions of information; views of human information processing, as well as socio-political topics (...)
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  30.  26
    Narrating consciousness: Language, media and embodiment.N. Katherine Hayles & James J. Pulizzi - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (3):131-148.
    Although there has long been a division in studies of consciousness between a focus on neuronal processes or conversely an emphasis on the ruminations of a conscious self, the long-standing split between mechanism and meaning within the brain was mirrored by a split without, between information as a technical term and the meanings that messages are commonly thought to convey. How to heal this breach has posed formidable problems to researchers. Working through the history of cybernetics, one of (...)
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  31.  16
    Informed Ignorance as a Form of Epistemic Injustice.Noa Cohen & Mirko Daniel Garasic - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):59.
    Ignorance, or the lack of knowledge, appears to be steadily spreading, despite the increasing availability of information. The notion of informed ignorance herein proposed to describe the widespread position of being exposed to an abundance of information yet lacking relevant knowledge, which is tied to the exponential growth in misinformation driven by technological developments and social media. Linked to many of societies’ most looming catastrophes, from political polarization to the climate crisis, practices related to knowledge and (...) are deemed some of the most imminent and daunting modern threats, evidenced by the latest report of the World Economic Forum, which has named misinformation the most severe short-term global risk. This paper’s epistemic perspective links the properties of today’s information culture and the ways in which it interacts with individual capacities and limitations in current technological and socio-political contexts. Such a position is analyzed through the lens of epistemic principles as a contemporary epistemic phenotype that emerges from an environment of ill-adapted and excessive information inputs and leads to a distinctive type of social injustice that is primarily epistemic in nature. While equity and accessibility are widely discussed as important contributing factors to epistemic discrepancies, other overlooked but fundamental issues underlying epistemic injustices are considered, such as information manipulation, cognitive limitations, and epistemic degradation. To effectively face this elusive threat, we propose an inclusive viewpoint that harnesses knowledge from cognitive science, science and technology studies, and social epistemology to inform a unifying theory of its main impacts and driving forces. By adjusting a modern epistemic framework to the described phenomena, we intend to contextually outline its trajectory and possible means of containment based on a shared responsibility to maintain ethical epistemic standards. In a time of international unrest and mounting civil acts of violence, it is pertinent to emphasize the ethical principles of knowledge systems and authorities and suggest policy adaptations to maintain a social contract based on the shared values of truth and freedom. (shrink)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies, Volume 2.George E. Lewis & Benjamin Piekut (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Improvisation informs a vast array of human activity, from creative practices in art, dance, music, and literature to everyday conversation and the relationships to natural and built environments that surround and sustain us. The two volumes of the Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies gather scholarship on improvisation from an immense range of perspectives, with contributions from more than sixty scholars working in architecture, anthropology, art history, computer science, cognitive science, cultural studies, dance, economics, education, ethnomusicology, (...)
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    Adopting social media as an information system – a case study of an internet service company in Abuja, Nigeria.Otobong Inieke & Babatunde Mustapha Raimi-Lawal - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (1):163-179.
    Purpose In considering the ubiquity of information systems and the increasingly important role served in modern business and service delivery, social media if properly leveraged gives potential competitive advantage to a company in its respective industry. With Paramount Web Nigeria Ltd. as a case study, this paper aims to focus on the important aspects of adopting social media as an IS such as data privacy principles and the role of social media in the context of a (...)
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    Modeling AI Trust for 2050: perspectives from media and info-communication experts.Katalin Feher, Lilla Vicsek & Mark Deuze - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2933-2946.
    The study explores the future of AI-driven media and info-communication as envisioned by experts from all world regions, defining relevant terminology and expectations for 2050. Participants engaged in a 4-week series of surveys, questioning their definitions and projections about AI for the field of media and communication. Their expectations predict universal access to democratically available, automated, personalized and unbiased information determined by trusted narratives, recolonization of information technology and the demystification of the media process. These (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies, Volume 1.George Lewis & Benjamin Piekut (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Improvisation informs a vast array of human activity, from creative practices in art, dance, music, and literature to everyday conversation and the relationships to natural and built environments that surround and sustain us. The two volumes of the Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies gather scholarship on improvisation from an immense range of perspectives, with contributions from more than sixty scholars working in architecture, anthropology, art history, computer science, cognitive science, cultural studies, dance, economics, education, ethnomusicology, (...)
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  36. CRITICAL THINKING IN MEDIA SPHERE: ATTITUDE OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS TO FAKE NEWS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE TEACHING.Anna Shutaleva - 2021 - Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences 24:1-12.
    The article aims to determine how university professors critically perceive and evaluate information when interacting with the media sphere. The study's relevance is due to the insufficient elaboration of Russian teachers' attitude to the information in the media sphere, which is significant in developing students' critical thinking. The study analyzes theoretical sources and documents on critical thinking in the media sphere and the results of processing empirical data obtained from questioning teachers. The main measuring instrument (...)
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    Listening Effort Informed Quality of Experience Evaluation.Pheobe Wenyi Sun & Andrew Hines - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Perceived quality of experience for speech listening is influenced by cognitive processing and can affect a listener's comprehension, engagement and responsiveness. Quality of Experience is a paradigm used within the media technology community to assess media quality by linking quantifiable media parameters to perceived quality. The established QoE framework provides a general definition of QoE, categories of possible quality influencing factors, and an identified QoE formation pathway. These assist researchers to implement experiments and to evaluate perceived quality (...)
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    Doing social media analytics.Timothy Cribbin, Julie Barnett & Phillip Brooker - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    In the few years since the advent of ‘Big Data’ research, social media analytics has begun to accumulate studies drawing on social media as a resource and tool for research work. Yet, there has been relatively little attention paid to the development of methodologies for handling this kind of data. The few works that exist in this area often reflect upon the implications of ‘grand’ social science methodological concepts for new social media research. By contrast, (...)
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    Gendered AI: German news media discourse on the future of work.Tanja Carstensen & Kathrin Ganz - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    In recent years, there has been a growing public discourse regarding the influence AI will have on the future of work. Simultaneously, considerable critical attention has been given to the implications of AI on gender equality. Far from making precise predictions about the future, this discourse demonstrates that new technologies are instances for renegotiating the relation of gender and work. This paper examines how gender is addressed in news media discourse on AI and the future of work, focusing on (...)
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    Crisis alert: (Dis)information selection and sharing in the COVID-19 pandemic.Lea-Johanna Klebba & Stephan Winter - 2024 - Communications 49 (2):318-338.
    High levels of threat and uncertainty characterize the onset of societal crises. Here, people are exposed to conflicting information in the media, including disinformation. Because individuals often base their news selection on pre-existing attitudes, the present study aims to examine selective exposure effects in the face of a crisis, and identify right-wing ideological, trust-, and science-related beliefs that might influence the selection and sharing of disinformation. A representative survey of German internet users (N = 1101) at the (...)
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    La temporalité des médias dans l'apprentissage.Luc Jaëckle - 2004 - Hermes 39:143.
    Des processus socio-cognitifs de gestion du temps et de construction du temps sont définis et illustrés dans des contextes d'usage de dispositifs médiatiques d'accès à la connaissance. Ces résultats, obtenus par observation de situations réelles, sont interprétés à la lumière de catégories relevant des sciences de la communication et de la psychologie. En découle l'exposé de problèmes de recherche en sciences de l'information et de la communication touchant au jeu de convergence avec les approches psychologiques à propos de la (...)
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    La radio, un média délaissé.Jean-Francois Tetu - 2004 - Hermes 38:63.
    Bien que son écoute ne diminue guère, la radio a suscité peu de recherches en sciences de la communication qui ont privilégié depuis leur origine la presse, le cinéma et la télévision. Cet article tente d'expliquer cet oubli relatif et propose quelques réflexions sur le son numérique et la fragmentation de l'offre de programmes, notamment les émissions dites «de libre antenne», les programmes nocturnes, et les radios communautaires.Historical factors are behind the relative lack of research into radio in the field (...)
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    Identifying Hidden Communities of Interest with Topic-based Networks: A Case Study of the Community of Philosophers of Science (1930-2017). [REVIEW]Christophe Malaterre & Francis Lareau - unknown
    Scientific networks are often investigated by means of citation analyses. Yet, interpretation of such networks in terms of semantic (and often disciplinary) content heavily depends on supplementary knowledge, notably about author research specialties. Similar situations arise more generally in many types of social networks whose semantic interpretation relies on supplementary information. Here, author community net-works are inferred from a topic model which provides direct insights into the semantic specificity of the identified “hidden communities of interest” (HCoI). Using a philosophy (...)
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  44.  9
    Women's studies: essential readings.Stevi Jackson (ed.) - 1993 - New York: New York University Press.
    "...No mere collection, but a wonderful synthesis of some of the best and most representative works of modern feminist scholarship, reflecting the richness and diversity of contemporary women's studies. It provides an informative and empowering perspective on feminist scholarly achievements of the last decades." -Dale Spender, Founding member of WITS (Women, Information, Technology, and Scholarship), is author of more than 30 books, including Feminist Theorists: Three Centuries of Key Women Thinkers and For The Record: the Making and Meaning (...)
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    Cyberspace Odyssey: Towards a Virtual Ontology and Anthropology.Jos de Mul - 2010 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The emergence of the hominids, more than five million years ago, marked the start of the human odyssey through space and time. This book deals with the last stage of this fascinating journey: the exploration of cyberspace and cybertime. Through the rapid global implementation of information and communication technologies, a new realm for human experience and imagination has been disclosed. Reversely, these postgeographical and posthistorical technologies have started to colonize our bodies and minds. Taking Homer's Odyssey and Kubrick's 2001: (...)
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  46. Extended Cognition in Science Communication.David Ludwig - 2014 - Public Understanding of Science 23 (8):982-995.
    The aim of this article is to propose a methodological externalism that takes knowledge about science to be partly constituted by the environment. My starting point is the debate about extended cognition in contemporary philosophy and cognitive science. Externalists claim that human cognition extends beyond the brain and can be partly constituted by external devices. First, I show that most studies of public knowledge about science are based on an internalist framework that excludes the environment we (...)
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    Looking Through Images: A Phenomenology of Visual Media.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Nils F. Schott & Emmanuel Alloa.
    Images have always stirred ambivalent reactions. Yet whether eliciting fascinated gazes or iconoclastic repulsion from their beholders, they have hardly ever been seen as true sources of knowledge. They were long viewed as mere appearances, placeholders for the things themselves or deceptive illusions. Today, the traditional critique of the spectacle has given way to an unconditional embrace of the visual. However, we still lack a persuasive theoretical account of how images work. -/- Emmanuel Alloa retraces the history of Western attitudes (...)
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  48. The role of basic science in evidence-based medicine.Adam La Caze - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (1):81-98.
    Proponents of Evidence-based medicine (EBM) do not provide a clear role for basic science in therapeutic decision making. Of what they do say about basic science, most of it is negative. Basic science resides on the lower tiers of EBM's hierarchy of evidence. Therapeutic decisions, according to proponents of EBM, should be informed by evidence from randomised studies (and systematic reviews of randomised studies) rather than basic science. A framework of models explicates the links (...)
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  49. Communicative practices of perception and memory of Russian-Ukrainian war and the graphosphere of the media channel.Olena Pavlova & Mariya Rohozha - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-19.
    The Russian-Ukrainian war, unparalleled in scale and the number of victims in Europe since World War II, presents a substantial opportunity for the social sciences and humanities to investigate its humanitarian aspects. While concentrating on socio-political problems, we must not overlook several critical issues, such as the transformation of communicative practices of cultural memory and perception, as well as written culture as their medium, which demands distinct examination. The focus of this article is the graphosphere of the Viber channel that (...)
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    Understanding Digital Events: Bergson, Whitehead, and the Experience of the Digital.David Kreps (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    This book introduces an events-based approach to understanding digital experience. Focusing on the event-ontologies of Bergson and Whitehead's process metaphysics, it explores subjective experience and objective reality as unified 'events' in the form of concrete slabs of existence. Such slabs are temporally defined by a term or period, in which all physical-chemical processes and personal subjective experience are included. Bringing together insights from a range of different specialisms, it urges us to consider a science of nature that includes both (...)
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